The church registers from parishes of the Protestant Church of the Palatine (Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz) are available in
From January 1876 on forward, the civil registry offices [Standesämter] are responsible for personal/marital status cases. For legal reasons church registers can only be provided up to 1875.
Appointments are required: phone: 0049 6232-667-180/ e-mail: please use our contact form.
All archive staff members will be glad to assist you within the scope of their other duties.
Up to ½ day: 6.00 €
Up to 1 day: 10.00 €
Digital copies made by the customer are 0.50 € each.
The archive charges the following fees for written inquiries:
12.00 € for the first quarter an hour, 9.00 € for each additional quarter an hour of research, up to a maximum of 147.00 € (4 working hours).
Certification of transcripts, excerpts or copies is 6.00 € per page.
An archive library is available with literature in reference to local history and geography and general history (genealogical tables, citizen books, town chronicles).
For any further information contact 0049 6232/667-180 or use the contact form.
Der Lesesaal ist am Dienstag, den 18. Februar 2025, geschlossen.
Öffnungszeiten Lesesaal
Dienstag bis Donnerstag
8.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Eine Benutzung ist nur nach Voranmeldung telefonisch unter 06232/667180 oder Mail an: möglich.
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